"Why, when the Prime Minister is under so much pressure, did the Coalition decide to parade its internal disputes and let its foot off her throat? (Reuters)
It was a ferocious silence.
It was the kind of silence that descends before a volcano erupts, when people ask "where have all the birds gone?"
The 20 seconds that Opposition Leader Tony Abbott spent glaring at Channel Seven's political editor Mark Riley, held a menace that cannot be translated to print. The suggestion Mr Abbott made an insensitive remark about a dead soldier seemed to both rob him of the power of speech and empower his silence."
"The better question might be who isn't. The harder one is why?
Well, sometimes shit happens and sometimes you shit in your own nest."
Chris Uhlmann is political editor for the ABC news channel, ABC News 24.
First posted
Comments (101)
Ture Sjolander:
11 Feb 2011 2:01:10pm
Charles Chaplin invited me to London for a week and 7 October 1973 I asked him about his view on acting and when he find acting as most difficult in his career. He said his biggest problem as an actor had been as a private person.
He further explained that any moment in life was subject to acting no matter if you wanted it or not, you are acting.
Was this "menace" or silence by Tony Abbott an expression of choice, or was he petrified?
If the latter, what would that mean... a bit scary.